Calibration Best Practices - Optimal Testing Parameters ISA Will DuPage Section (feat. Beamex's Ned Espy)

Most calibration technicians follow long-established procedures at their facility that have not evolved with instrumentation technology. Years ago, maintaining a performance specification of ±1% of span was difficult, but today’s instrumentation can easily exceed that level on an annual basis. In some instances, technicians are using old test equipment that does not meet new technology specifications. This paper focuses on establishing base line performance testing where analysis of testing parameters (mainly tolerances, intervals and test point schemes) can be analyzed and adjusted to meet optimal performance. Risk considerations will also be discussed – regulatory, safety, quality, efficiency, downtime and other critical parameters. A good understanding of these variables will help in making the best decisions on how to calibrate plant instrumentation and how to improve outdated practices.
Ned has been promoting and developing best practices for calibration management for over 25 years. He contributed to “The Engineer’s Guide to Industrial Temperature Measurement”. Ned provides consultation about calibration best practices and offers technical support to Beamex customers as well as the sales team in the United States.
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